A few months ago, I decided that it was time for me to look for a new job. I must tell you, it’s a very competitive and requiring process. I’ve already written about it here and here focusing on di...
C++23: The stacktrace library
So far, there was no way in C++ to get runtime information on the current call sequence. Other popular programming languages such as Java, C# or Python provide this possibility. Thanks to P0881R7 a...
Don't feel bad because of failed interviews, just keep learning!
I was thinking about switching jobs since about the beginning of the year. But as we had our dream vacation planned for 3 weeks in April, I didn’t really want to look for a new job before coming ba...
C++23: Preprocessing directives
The ISO Committee accepted two proposals for C++23 related to preprocessing directives. P2334R1 is about introducing #elifdef and #elifndef and P2437R1 is introducing #warning. What is a preproces...
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Would I recommend Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman? It’s a very interesting book on how our thinking works and it can open up your mind about your own behaviour. But I mind you, only star...
Should you really memorize algorithm complexities?
A few years ago I read one of Yegor Bugayenko’s articles about his feelings about applying to a BigTech company. He wrote something like he would never be accepted and could never pass such intervi...
The Template Method Pattern and the Non-Virtual Idiom
The above title is also one of the chapter titles from Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor Pikus. I liked the idea so much that I quickly started to use it and I wanted to share some more de...
3 ways to stay motivated when you are leaving your job
We all leave our employer one day. In certain countries, like the US, you can get away with a 2-week-long notice period. It’s so short that it’s not even worth talking about it. On the other hand, ...
The copy and swap idiom in C++
Last year, as the usage of our services grew sometimes by 20 times, we had to spend significant efforts on optimizing our application. Although these are C++-backed services, our focus was not on o...
Price's law and 3 things to do if you're underpaid
Are you irritated when you hear about the increasing company earnings? Are you upset when you see salary statistics? Do you often feel underpaid? Let me tell you something. If you’re on the top of...