For the third year hundreds of Amadeus employees spent a day and a half together working on writing small AIs in teams of three people. These AIs are powering bots competing against each other in f...
Programming on rails: Railway Oriented Programming!
As explaining is one of the best ways to understand, let me give a try here. Many times when you start writing a program, first you will consider that things would go well (do TDD instead!), so yo...
Coders at work: Jamie Zawinski
The first guy interviewed by Seibel is Jamie Zawinski. In case you don’t know him, he’s one of the important early developers of Netscape. Anyway you can look up more information about him wherever...
Graphs in everyday life
No! That’s a chart, not a graph! Charts are not graphs, even though for some odd reason many people tend to call them so. In mathematics and more specifiaclly in graph theory a graph is a struct...
Upcoming coding dojo about graph databases
Let me give you some details to arouse your interest in joining this event if you are around Sophia Antipolis. I will briefly explain what a graph is and why they matter in IT. Then I will speak a...
How to contact your colleague sitting next to you (or anywhere else)
First of all I had to describe what a pomodoro is. As it is not the aim of this article, let’s say it’s a block of usually 25 minutes of uninterrupted work. The next question was how I managed to d...
Introduction to graph databases
Or maybe let’s start from a more generic point. What is a database? It is a datastore. In IT it is a set of data held in a computer. The most known datastores are still the good old relational data...
Failing and getting up in the French Alps
It’s been a dream for both my wife and me to spend some time at a remote location and just hike a lot. Finally we did it - with an 18 months old girl - and it was great. But even such an idyll has ...
What can you use for visualizing a graph?
So I had to explore what technology I could use for visualizing my data. When I was building my family tree application I used sigma.js but looking back at it, I didn’t find it very intuitive. Mayb...
Work for peanuts, but love your job!
Wow. No surprise that Coelho is hashtagged in that post (it is in Hungarian which is my mother tongue). In the post the writer of the gray averages appears, so you can be sure that banality, extrem...