In this article, we are going to discover the pattern that is called the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern. Are you curious? Read on! Introduction Have you ever wondered about a derived class...
Code Ahead by Yegor Bugayenko
Code Ahead, what shall I call you? You are a novel. A fiction. Yet according to you, you’re semi-autobiographical. You are a rather exact picture of how things go in software development. Yet you’r...
Do your job
It’s so easy to tell anyone that he shouldn’t care about this and that. He shouldn’t complain what the other does, shouldn’t care about the inhibitory conditions. But do you do your own job when yo...
The big STL Algorithms tutorial: all_of, any_of, none_of
In this first part of the big STL algorithm tutorial, I’ll start with the first chunk of the non-modifying sequence operations. Namely, in this post, you are going to read about all_of, any_of an...
The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier
Have you, Sandor, really read that book? - you might ask if you know me or you simply know what path I’m following. A hint: the technical path. Yet, my answer would be, of course, I had and it was ...
Virtue always has neighbours
Confucius wrote that “Virtue is never solitary; it always has neighbors.” What he meant by that was that good behaviour and good thinking is contagious. Is that actually true? I don’t have the an...
The big STL Algorithms tutorial: Introduction
I’ve already written quite a few articles about features introduced by C++ 11 and how much it changed how I look at the language. The feature I liked the most is probably the one of lambda expressi...
Optimized C++ by Kurt Gunteroth
After I attended a training on the subject of optimizing C++, I felt I’d be interested in going a bit deeper. At least to read a bit more about this topic. So I asked the trainer for some books he’...
Who should be the master?
I’ve worked in a couple of different scrum teams, one I even served as a scrum master. There was one common point among all these teams, the scrum master was always or at least used to be a softwar...
The Three Laws of Objects
Three laws of objects. Sounds catchy enough? To me, it did. I read about these laws in Ken Pugh’s Prefactoring. If you sense a not too much-hidden reference to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics from...