I’ve already written quite a few articles about features introduced by C++ 11 and how much it changed how I look at the language. The feature I liked the most is probably the one of lambda expressi...
Optimized C++ by Kurt Gunteroth
After I attended a training on the subject of optimizing C++, I felt I’d be interested in going a bit deeper. At least to read a bit more about this topic. So I asked the trainer for some books he’...
Who should be the master?
I’ve worked in a couple of different scrum teams, one I even served as a scrum master. There was one common point among all these teams, the scrum master was always or at least used to be a softwar...
The Three Laws of Objects
Three laws of objects. Sounds catchy enough? To me, it did. I read about these laws in Ken Pugh’s Prefactoring. If you sense a not too much-hidden reference to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics from...
Ryan Holiday: Perennial Seller
You might have noticed that I don’t just read technical books. In fact, at least half of the books I read are non-technical. A couple of months ago, I found a great deal on Amazon and I could get R...
Review of 2018
Again? It’s the end of the year? I almost forget to sit down calmly and look back. It was a fruitful year with lots of fun and challenges. In short: My second child, my son, Daniel was born ...
Professional learners we are
Recently I read this post from John Hotterbeek about the burning question of how much you should learn to keep up with your career. To sum up what John wrote about: According to Uncle Bob, you...
Lambda Expressions in C++
Reading through Scott Meyer’s Efective Modern C++ helped me discover a lot of features of modern C++, including right value references, the trailing return type declaration and lambda expressions. ...
The best 13 books I read this year
One of my favourite hobbies is reading. Even as a father of two small children, I try to find some time every day to read either before the others wake up or after they went to sleep or sometimes a...
Reconquering my job in 15 steps
I think I’m better in time management than the average, so to further improve this skill, I went to a time management training of John B. May. It was a one-day training about how we should reconque...