Sandor Dargo's Blog

Structs and constructors

Today, we are going to talk about when and why structs should have constructors if they should have them at all. We are also going to see once again that generic best practices and best practices t...

Wrapping up our Airbnb host experience

This post is about work, but not about software engineering. It’s about another type of work, we’ve been doing with my wife over the last 5 years. We’ve been hosts on Airbnb. A few years ago, we d...

What is std::ref?

Have you heard about std::ref and std::cref? The helper functions that generate objects of type std::reference_wrapper? The answer is probably yes. In that case, this article is probably not for yo...

Learn C++ by Example by Frances Buontempo

I know Fran from C++ On Sea where she hosted lightning talk nights for the last two years. She recently asked me if I would be interested in reading her book, Learn C++ by Example. It was on my rad...

The rule of 5 and inheritance

Last week, we talked about the rule of five and we discovered what it means for move operations if we only declare a destructor and not the rest of the special member functions. In that case, move ...

Once more about the rule of 5

Arne Mertz talked about misused guidelines at C++OnSea. Among those, there was the rule of 5. Which made me think about a pattern I’ve seen. Let’s first repeat what the rule of 5 says. The Rule...

5 reasons why politics will ruin your career hopes

I’m not apolitical, I do have my opinion and quite a strong one. Yet, I don’t let it interfere with my job. I don’t think that one should talk about his or her political agenda at work or that one ...

What to do if you don't want a default constructor?

Do we need a default constructor? What does it mean to have a default constructor? What happens if we don’t have one? Those are the questions we are going after in this article. A default construc...

Trip report: C++ On Sea 2024

Last week, between the 3rd and 5th of July, I had the privilege to attend and present at C++ on Sea 2024 for the 5th time in a row! I’m grateful that the organizers accepted me not simply as a spe...

C++23: further small changes

In this article, let’s get back to exploring C++23. We are going to have a look at some unrelated small changes in the standard, including the rarest species of changes. Deprecations! Printing vol...